How you’ll feel


Your Session Will Be

  • Personalised

    1:1 Coaching to understand your unique challenges, opportunities and options.

  • Practical

    Create a plan with tangible, actionable steps for maximum impact.

  • Effective

    Measure the results and follow up to ensure accountability and sustainable outcomes.

What you’ll get

Shelli Trung Coaching
  • Private 60-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • Detailed review of your current circumstances

  • Tailored steps to navigating your unique roadblocks

  • Strategies on how to track your success

  • Helpful tools and tips


who will my session be with?

Your session will be with me personally. You can read more about my expertise and profile under the About section.

how long is the session?

Each private session runs for a 60 minutes. Please ensure you are on time and able to log into the zoom account to minimise any technical issues that might shorten your allocated time.

do I need to prepare?

To get the most out of your session, it is best to send over any attachments for review at least 48 hours prior as well any specific questions you would like covered and your ideal outcome. You can also share these at the start of your session if you are unable to send them ahead of time. Otherwise, please ensure you are on time and able to log into the zoom account.

How will my session run?

We start by ensuring there is a good, honest understanding of your current circumstances. To do this, we will review any materials you have sent over and set the goal of the session. I will ask questions to dive deeper into your options. We will then create a plan of action and agree on success tracking as well as the next steps of follow up.

can I invite others?

No, these are 1:1 sessions to ensure they are customised and targetted to your unique circumstance. Recordings are also not allowed.

What are your availabilities?

You can book directly via the Book Appointment page.